Heart to Heart

Welcome to this blog!

Here, I will share the teachings of my favorite teacher, Martial Arts Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim. They are tidbits of her great wisdom and my hope is that they will help you as much as they have helped me.

Have a wonderful time reading!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Follow up on New Years Goals

This is an excerpt of an article Dr. Tae Yun Kim published way back in 2010, but it is timeless and applies today and every day.

New Year’s Resolutions – are they not a desire to change?  People do not want to continue as usual – they want something different in themselves, in their lives.

I always ask my students – if you want to know what you will be like in 5 years, look into mirror now – this is you in 5 years, if you don’t change!  If you don’t want to be in the same place in your life that you are right now, you must change! 

So, one way I help my students keep focused on the importance of living their life purposefully is to look at their shoes before going to bed.  “Remember,” I say, “you really don’t know if you’ll be here tomorrow to walk again in these shoes!  While you were in these shoes today, did you go where you needed?  Create what you needed to create?  Did you walk with love?  So if you and your shoes are still there in the morning, remember when you put them on to live as though the new day could again be your last one.”

So instead of recklessly or carelessly drifting from day to day, why not seize this brief moment of time in your life and create an epic instead of a tragedy!  What else better to do with your time?  As long as you are alive and conscious right now, why not use this time to experience the most you can from life – rather than the least.  Or do you want to pretend you don’t have choices?

I really like this as it applies so much in my daily life! Won't you give it a try too and follow Dr. Tae Yun Kim's invitation?
I picked this picture of the very first almond blossom from Dr. Tae Yun Kim's garden as a symbol of change - and that Mother nature always knows best how to bring it about.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Did you know that Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim writes a very special column called "Heart to Heart" in the TKD Times magazine?  It's been a wonderful source of inspiration to many people, and especially me!  
Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim writes timeless gems of wisdom that apply now and always.  Here is an excerpt from a column more than 5 years ago:

"Remember, it is our personal choice what we do in this life!  It’s our very own choice! 

Yes, I hear you, you’ll tell me how you didn’t choose your family, how you didn’t choose your learning disability, and how you didn’t choose being poor.  I understand what you are saying, but hear me out:  Whatever the circumstances are, no matter how bad they are, what is much more important is how we choose to deal with those circumstances! 

Here is how it works: 
You need to commit to make a change in your life for the better, you need to purify your body and mind, and you need to set true goals for yourself.  And of course you need to put all this into action (and not just think about it!) and make it your new way of life. 

I call this Re-birth.  Rebirth is actually living the new definition of yourself.  Now, instead of drifting along in life, acting and reacting with limited perception, you live with conscious awareness of your connection to your Silent Master consciousness.  You now become your own doctor and surgeon, carefully bringing your new self into the world by constantly removing the strangling, stifling thoughts and feelings of your old self."

Isn't that something we can all apply in our lives, pretty much every day! 
Today on my 58th Birthday, I thank Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim for sharing her knowledge with us!