Heart to Heart

Welcome to this blog!

Here, I will share the teachings of my favorite teacher, Martial Arts Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim. They are tidbits of her great wisdom and my hope is that they will help you as much as they have helped me.

Have a wonderful time reading!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim: more about the body - mind connection

Let your body help you develop better mental concepts. Since your body is connected to consciousness, watch your physical states and see what they may be telling you about your thinking. Your body shows you – in one way or another – your mental state. Depressed people slouch and shuffle. Happy people have a bounce and lightness in their step. When your body is acting tired and sluggish and you know you’re healthy and have had plenty of rest, what is your body telling you? What is it you don’t want to do? What are you “too tired” to confront or overcome? What are you “sick and tired” of?

Even if you are not a “physical” person – especially if you are not a physical person – try demanding more physical action from yourself. Let this demand send a message to your mind that you want to be more free and more unlimited, whether that means getting some kind of healing, or gaining more stamina, or simply expanding your concept of yourself.

When you push yourself physically and make demands on yourself for greater physical freedom, you can’t help but grow spiritually. You are insisting that the freedom of your original self manifest physically and materially. This is why physical training is an important part of the Jung SuWon training I teach. By disciplining the body into accepting more power and more ability to perform, your mind responds with more power and more ability to perform. This interplay is energizing. The more limitations you overcome, the more of your natural energy you can experience.

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